
Grade Tap
A class that develops Tap technique, where students can become expressive in creating rhythms and patterns with their footwork. Classes range from beginners to advanced, and we encourage anyone interested in learning tap to start here. This class is a prerequisite for competition tap.
Exams are offered through the Canadian Dance Teacher's Association. We offer our students the opportunity to train with a licensed and experienced tap instructor all year. Students work on the CDTA Tap Syllabus in their weekly classes. Select students will be given the opportunity to take their exam in the winter term. After the examinations students will progress to the next tap level, while remaining in the same scheduled class time. Primary to Grade 1 classes will learn a dance to be performed in the recital. There is no recital dance for our Grade 2 and above dancers, as this is purely a technique class.
Competition Tap
A fun and expressive class that develops musicality through rhythmic footwork. As the dancers become more advanced, so do their skills in syncopation and percussion. This class is intended for intermediate to advanced tappers, who are already enrolled in a Grade Tap class.
In this class students will be challenged with creative and fun choreography, eventually learning a dance to be performed at competition and recital.

Dress Code
Any colour leotard and tights or fitted lycra shorts (above the knee) – no loose pants
Hair in a bun or ponytail
Tap shoes with taps
Beginner & Primary – Caramel Mary Jane Capezio #3800 or Caramel Bloch Show - Tapper
Grade 1 Exam and Up – Caramel Bloch Show-Tapper
Open Jr, Elementary – Caramel Bloch Show-Tapper
Open Inter and Senior – Oxford CG19 or Jasons 313L
No jewelry or watches allowed as it is dangerous to the dancers. Please recognize that the dancers are exerting themselves physically. We recommend the dancers have deodorant available in their dance bags at all times. Good grooming is important as it does reflect on the child’s ability to dance. Also, please label dancewear, costumes, outerwear, and boots. We do have a lost and found in the dancers’ lounge that is donated to goodwill at the end of June.
*Adaptations to the dress code may be made to help a dancer as required. Please contact the studio with questions or concerns.