Beginner Programs (ages 5-7)
Pre-Primary/Primary Ballet
A creative class that develops good posture and coordination through an introduction to ballet foundations.
This class instills imagination, creativity, and musicality through a structured class taught by a certified and experienced instructor.

Beginner Jazz
An upbeat class for those that are energetic and like to move and groove to popular music.
This class teaches dancers coordination, jumps and traveling movements.
Beginner Tap
A fun and engaging class that develops musicality through rhythmic footwork.
This class develops tap technique, where students can become expressive in creating rhythms and patterns with their feet.

Beginner Acro
A high energy class that develops flexibility, muscle strength, balance, and confidence.
This classes focuses on helping dancers learn foundational movement skills and how to safely complete skills like cartwheels, rolls and jumps.
Dress Code
White or pink tights
Any colour leotard (bodysuit)
Ballet - Pleated toe pink slippers with elastic sewn on (BLOCH #205 full sole)
Jazz - Bloch tan slip-on jazz shoes
Tap - Caramel Mary Jane Capezio #3800 or Caramel Bloch Show - Tapper
Acro - Adaptable tights, so dancers can have bare feet
Hair off the face, in a bun or ponytail
Snug fitting t-shirt
Shorts or Jazz Pants
Ballet - Black pleated slippers
Jazz - Bloch tan slip-on jazz shoes
Tap - Caramel Mary Jane Capezio #3800 or Caramel Bloch Show - Tapper
Acro - Bare feet
Hair off the face, in a bun or ponytail
No jewelry or watches allowed as it is dangerous to the dancers. Please recognize that the dancers are exerting themselves physically. We recommend the dancers have deodorant available in their dance bags at all times. Good grooming is important as it does reflect on the child’s ability to dance. Also, please label dancewear, costumes, outerwear, and boots. We do have a lost and found in the dancers’ lounge that is donated to goodwill at the end of June.
*Adaptations to the dress code may be made to help a dancer as required. Please contact the studio with questions or concerns.